Team Call Archives

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We hold virtual team meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 9AM PST/12PM EST.

The meetings are led by Managing Directors Meredith Beal and Laura Stenovec.

or 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 213 215 5315

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Team Call Archives 2016:

March 8th: March Virtual Team Meeting by Managing Director Laura Stenovec. Password: MarchTeamMtg
March 22nd: March New Consultant Training by Managing Director Laura Stenovec. Password: NewConsultant
February 2nd: February Virtual Team Meeting by Managing Director Laura Stenovec. Password: FebTeamMtg
January 5th: January Virtual Team Meeting by Managing Director Laura Stenovec. Password: JanTeamMtg

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Team Call Archives 2015:

Previously recorded team calls and videos. All calls and videos are led by Laura Stenovec unless otherwise noted.
January 5th: $2000 Building Blocks
January 12th: Overview From Founding Members Meetings
January 19th: Follow up
January 26th: Update on events and incentives
February 9th: Getting started, launching your business strong and helping you earn back your investment quickly led by Executive Director Kate Richeson
February 23rd: Starting new Consultants
March 9th: Expanding your network by Founding Member and Sr. Director Michelle Skinner
March 23rd: How to grow your business in a new market by Sr. Director Kelly Kabotoff
March 30th: How to end your month strong by Managing Director Heather Willison
April 27th: Ending the month strong
May 11th: Incentives, training calls and new cosmetic kits
June 8th: Coaching your team by Executive Directors Kate Richeson & Britta Ferrell
June 15th: Philosophy of business by Senior Director Louise McCown
June 22nd: Facebook socials by Senior Director Morgan Rasmussen
June 29th: How to end your month strong by Managing Director Lynn Cooper
July 6th: How to share 4th of July promotion and build your Member base
July 13th: Summer Sales
July 27th: Tips for starting our business strong by Director of training LeeAnne Ruff
August 17th: Getting back into the swing of things for Fall
August 24th: How to do a new Consultant training
August 31st: Growing your market by Senior Director Kelly Kabotoff
October 5th: Strategy for setting up a strong month or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440, reference number: 21#
October 7th: How to maximize your holiday season by Managing Directors Jen Schultz and Salima Fetter or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440, reference number: 22#
October 26th: New Consultant Training or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440, reference number: 28#
November 2nd: Maximize the holiday season or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440, reference number: 30#
November 9th: November Virtual Team Meeting by Managing Director Laura Stenovec and Executive Director Meredith Beal. Password: NovemberBC
December 7th: Plan for the month or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440, reference number: 31#
December 9th: December Virtual Team Meeting Password: DecemberTeamMtg

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Winter 2015 – 10 Minute Jump Start Your Business Calls:

Follow Up led by Managing Director Heather Willison
Face Kits led by Executive Director Kate Richeson
One On Ones led by Managing Director Jen Schultz
Onboarding – Getting your new Consultant trained, launched and active led by Managing Director Salima Fetter

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September 2015 Tips From The Top Call Series:

Tips from the Top

September 8th: Selling Tips by Managing Director Heather Willison and Director Frances Raybon or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 13#
September 10th: Recruiting Tips by Managing Director Louise McCown and Executive Director Jessica Chait or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 14#
September 15th: Recruiting Tips by Executive Director Bradlee Roffers and Managing Director Laura Stenovec or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 15#
September 22nd: Recruiting Tips by Managing Director Jenn Indra and Managing Director Lynn Cooper or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 17#
September 24th: Selling Tips by Managing Director Sarah Pearsall and Senior Director Christina Glickman or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 18#
September 29th: Selling Tips by Managing Director Laura Stenovec and Senior Director Susan Stenovec or 641-715-3589, access code: 777440 and reference number: 20#
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Summer Call Series:

Best Practices for Socials led by Executive Director Anna Vig
Recruiting led by Executive Director Jessica Chait
How to Hold Successful 1:1 Appointments led by Managing Director Jenn Indra
Coaching Your Team led by Executive Directors Kate Richeson and Britta Ferrell
Follow up led by Managing Director Laura Stenovec
Compensation Plan Training led Managing Director Laura Stenovec, Executive Director Donna Casali and Managing Director Jen Schultz
Coaching Your Team led by Managing Director Salima Fetter

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